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Small Circle

Small Circle helps professional women create careers they love, secure amazing roles and negotiate better deals, through coaching, strategy and standout CVs.

Who are we for?

Small Circle is for values-driven, professional (and awesome!) women from all walks of life – aged from 30-something to over 55s. Women at a career crossroads – wondering where to next and how to get there. Some are Mums returning to work or deciding on how to juggle all-the-things and a fulfilling career without abandoning their core values. The jobs, sectors and industries they come from vary widely, from corporates and NFPs, to small businesses and the public service. You name a profession, and I’ve probably coached a client from it!

What are our Services?

  • Career coaching and strategy

We work within my signature coaching method for aligning all aspects of life (including work) with your core personal values.

Clarity – The heart work – what drives you, what brings you joy, what’s currently serving you and what isn’t.

Courage – The head work – identify any limiting, unhelpful or outdated beliefs, overcoming them, and telling the story of you.

Connection – we join the dots and develop a strategy aligned with your values, purpose, strengths, and dreams.

Confidence – I’ll be here to support and encourage you as you implement your aligned career strategy, with confidence.

  • CVs and cover letters

Your CV should make you feel warm and glowing when you read it. It should make YOU want to hire you. It should also be up-to-date and ready to go, at all times. A big challenge for many people is selling themselves with confidence. I can take care of this for you.

I create CVs that get results. The impact of a powerful CV has led some of my clients to go from year-long interview droughts to securing interviews and new roles within weeks of submitting applications after working with me.

  • Corporate coaching and outplacement support

I have worked with many clients who, for a variety of reasons, are no longer enjoying their job, yet feel a strong level of engagement and connection to their workplace and do not necessarily want to leave. I also work with many women on maternity leave, who as they approach their return-to-work date realise their existing role is no longer the best fit for them and would like to explore other options within the organisation, as well as increasing their confidence after a period away from the workforce.

I also support clients through redundancy, whole organisation closure, and other circumstances which mean their employment is unable to continue. My coaching packages provide end-to-end support for departing employees and include:

  • coaching to establish what their next career move is and determine a plan or pathway to that role
  • CV writing, LinkedIn profile updating, cover letter and key selection criteria training and support
  • interview coaching, and cultivating a success mindset to ensure they make the transition confidently and in a strong position to secure their next job without a lengthy gap.

When clarity meets alignment you’re winning. Align work, life and play with your core values and everything becomes easier. Clearer. Lighter. It’s all connected.

Contact Details:



Phone: 0414 683 409




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